What is Monsterjuegos.net, its MONSTER Token and what does it have to do with Waves Exchange.

Daniel Bosch
4 min readFeb 4, 2021

MonsterJuegos.net has its own idiosyncrasy, its own way of being and working. Its own way of being and working. It’s a different web addressed to comic, heavy metal, and horror movies / TV series lovers, without forgetting about videogames. So many different topics! (you’ll probably think at first), but if you think about it, you’ll see that we are targeting a very specific niche of users with a high level of interest, loyalty to the topics they like.

MonsterJuegos.net entertains and informs, and also rewards its users for reading it. First of all, any reader related to the following topics can register and create their own content and share it with the community (this content will always be supervised by the editorial team).

The user can recommend Youtube /Twitch channels, books, own or friends’ graphic designs, movies, indie games, tricks, news… etc… In addition, your profile allows access to your own internal social network (like Facebook), which allows you to which allows you to interact with the rest of the community.

Monsterjuegos.net users currently earn points for by performing various actions such as; publishing content, sharing web content on their social networks, voting on publications, watching certain videos…

And now comes the interesting part:

These points can be exchanged for the Monster Token (the user receives them on the Waves Exchange platform at the moment) which in turn platform for the moment) which in turn allows you to buy in the online Monsterjuegos.net online store (video games at 50% discount) or trade it on Waves Exchange for other cryptocurrencies.

Yes!, the MONSTER token has been created on the Waves Exchange platform. One of the most advanced platforms in terms of blockchain, staking and token creation.

In the future, the current system of exchanging points for the MONSTER token, will be replaced. Our goal is to develop our own eWallet system, which will allow our will allow our users to get their rewards directly to their eWallet and trade on Waves Exchange.

Looking for funding to launch the project definitively.

The next steps to take in Monsterjuegos is to reach potential readers and to publicize its rewards system. The web traffic attraction, will reach the brands awakening their interest in advertising with us.
The other field to be achieved is the dynamization of the market in Waves Exchange, with the consequent revaluation of the Monster Token. This will generate benefits to the owners of our token.

We seek financing for:

  1. remuneration / hiring of editors.
  2. Advertising MonsterJuegos — Ads social networks and Google.
  3. Signing agreements (collaboration, sponsorship) with brands.
  4. Development of our own payment gateway with MONSTER Token.
  5. Development of our own crypto-assets wallet that allows us to reward our readers our readers directly with our token.
  6. Increasing the usefulness of Token Monster — items in online store, external use.
  7. Hiring responsible SEO.

How will we use the raised capital?

  • 35% Social media advertising, internet search engines and media publication.
  • 25% Content creators and contributors, SEO
  • 10% Founders
  • 15% eWallet development, proprietary crypto payment gateway, R&D
  • 15% Dynamization and opening of markets Waves Exchange

We know we have to work hard, but we believe in the profitability of our project. If you also believe in our idea. Contact us to acquire Token packages MONSTER TOKENS. We accept Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDN and Waves. We sell our Token MONSTER to investors at 1MONSTER = 0,01USD. ¡Target 50,000 USD!

Your help is invaluable.

Once we have managed to attract new users through advertising, we will be able to dynamize the different exchange pairs existing in Waves Exchange. Consequently, we will obtain benefits for our investor friends. If you are a Waves Exchange user, you can also help us by trading our MONSTER token.

The main target audience of Monstejuegos.net are users between 21 and 40 years old in Latin America and Spain. Interested in video games, metal music, comics, horror movies and TV series. All of them very loyal to their hobbies.

The value of our token is set at the exchange MONSTER <=> USDN (DEFO) Token of Waves Neutrino protocol equivalent to 1 USD Dollar that among other utilities allows Stakin.

We estimate that the increase in the use of our token will achieve
revalue its price a minimum of 400% in the next few years.

If you prefer, you can also make a donation to the project.

You can send us your support in the form of BITCOIN, ETHEREUM or WAVES to the following Waves Exchange addresses:

If you send your donation from external wallets to Waves Exchange the addresses are as follows:

(The minimum amount to deposit required by Waves Dex is 0.001 BTC) *

ETHEREUM: 0xFd0E336d32B94c4A9228B759727aE1cd874aBbee
(The minimum amount to deposit required by Waves Dex is 0.01 ETH) *

WAVES: 0x27b2A65d72315285287F98BA2673c3309c7f47bB
(The minimum deposit amount required by Waves Dex is 1 WAVES) *

*Depositing less than the amount indicated by the platform means losing the funds.

If you want to make your donation from the platform itself, with BTC, ETH or platform itself, with BTC, ETH or WAVES, you have to send to the following address.


You can learn more about the project at:

Website: https://monsterjuegos.net

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/monsterjuegos/

email project: infomonsterjuegos@gmail.com



Daniel Bosch

I am dedicated to web design and digital marketing, specialized in Wordpress and Magento. I also try to carry out some of my own projects